Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti, Children, Orphans, and Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

I am tired after a long yet productive day of ensuring my team of drivers, equipment, and freight depart on time. I am ready for some chicken enchiladas with my family! I had an opportunity to sit down in with my wife for 15 glorious minutes of "alone time" watching the heartbreaking scenes of human suffering in Haiti especially that of children who have lost parents before and recently through the earthquake. Yet, I am hopeful!!!

I am thinking about how to leverage my knowledge, opportunity, skills, experience, connections, and potential partners with needs to be a blessing to children and orphans both short and long term. How can an initiative in this and peripheral industries: transportation/distribution/logistics weave into helping children and orphans, in the U.S. and worldwide? I have some germinating ideas, but no new revelations… Yet!

The "basics" are the same, get material, food, medicine, whatever is needed for the benefit of children and orphans to the locations needed at the lowest possible cost with the greatest possible impact to the children, donors, and partners.
I remain hopeful, open, looking for ideas, and available! Are you?

Humbly Serving Children and Orphans;

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