Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Collaborating is it "Anti American"?

As a citizen of the United States living in the west, it is easy for me to think I have to do things "on my own."  This translates from simple and mundane tasks like cleaning the house, to very complex activities like solving the global orphan crisis. I can easily think, "if it's to be, it's up to me." Among other reasons, it seems to me that this is in part due to the cultural influences of living in the United States, and particularly from living in the western portion of the country where individualism sems to be highly valued. This is wrong headed thinking. Do I have a part in whatever activity I am doing, absolutely. Am I the only one to "make it happen"? Absolutely not.

Several organizations  have partnered together to mobilize people to get educated, think about, and act on behalf of children and orphans. This is is in part how change happens. Many people get together to educate  and mobilize others to think and act! Consider the children and orphans that may need your personal help today.

Click Here to begin to get educated, review resources, or Act today.

Humbly Serving Children and Orphans;

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