Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Practical Ways to Care For Children And Orphans

"A Practical Way To Care For Children And Orphans – SUPPORT"

These are "reposts from the blog.
All content copyright Paul E. Williams 2011.
I've posted several ideas about how to care for children and orphans recently. Here is another.
SUPPORT those who support them.

Social Workers; Contact a local county/parish social worker and ask what is needed. Pray for him or her specifically.

Foster Parents; Shovel a driveway or sidewalk, mow grass, baby sit, or organize meals for a week for foster parents. Pray with them and tell them you appreciate what they do.

Adoptive Family; Encourage a family adopting an older child by hosting a shower for them.

Adoption/Orphan Care Ministry; Find out if your community of faith has an orphan care/adoption ministry. If so, contact and pray with the leaders and tell them you appreciate what they do. If not, pray about starting one and do what you hear God say, because He is pretty clear on this subject.

It's not a formula, or a multi-step process “to be successful” at child/orphan care. It's a day to day, moment to moment “living out” or “living into” a life of service to others. In the midst of this service to the “least of these” perhaps you will find joy, peace, and contentment.


PROVIDE for their needs.
SUPPORT those who support them.

Do you have any other ideas of how to support those who support children/orphans?
I'd love to hear some of your ideas.

Warmest Regards;

A Practical Way To Care For Children And Orphans – PROVIDE
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 05:15

In a recent previous post I mentioned a simple way to begin caring for children and orphans – PRAY.

As you may have found, to begin it is easier said than done. But once you commit to doing so specifically and regularly, you will find that praying becomes like eating - you need to do it to survive. Once you do not do it after some regular “practice”, you will notice. If you have done what I suggested with a photograph, every time you see the child's picture on your mirror, your dashboard, desk, or even your smart phone or other device, you will be reminded of the joy you can give and receive by simply praying for a child.

Another simple and practical way to be an advocate for children and orphans is to PROVIDE for their needs. There are millions of children and orphans who desperately need help and hope. Frankly, it can be quite overwhelming if we think simply in terms of numbers.

Instead, let's think about it in terms of one need, and helping just one child at a time. Ask yourself and find out what the needs are right in your own city and county. Here is an easy way to do so. For example, If you live in Cuyahoga County in Ohio, Google “Cuyahoga County Children Services” on your smart phone, PC, or other device. Click, call, or contact a local social worker and tell him or her you would like to help and ask how you can help. Budgets are so tight and even being reduce these days, He or she will “jump” at the opportunity for assistance.

You can organize a drive in your place of work or a social group or network; even on Facebook, to collect new clothes and backpacks for children in foster care. Financial gifts can be designated for specific items needed by children and orphans. Alternately, seek out a reputable child/orphan care group or non profit that specializes in an area, state, or country that you are passionate about. There are many that work in specific areas of the world. If you are unaware of one, contact me and I can refer you.

It really is that simple friends.

PROVIDE for their needs with joy in your heart knowing that when you do, smiles will be bursting out all over because of your actions.

How can I assist you to take the next step in the journey?


P.S.: As I wrote this post, I realized that I had not had pictures of children on my mirror or in my house in some time. I posted some again. It's an ongoing process!

A Practical Way To Care For Children And Orphans - PRAY

Written by Paul Williams
Monday, 24 January 2011 21:22
It is a new year and while many commit to resolutions, I rarely do. However, this year I have a vision and insofar as it is up to me, I am resolved to implementing this vision. My vision is that many, many, people of goodwill will take up the call to be advocates on behalf of children and orphans. Children are the most vulnerable and one of the most precious gifts that we have been given. If you adopt this vision, you will be in good company. God's heart is for the oppressed, the downtrodden, the widow, and especially children and orphans.

Over the next few weeks I will share some practical and easy ways to be an advocate for children and orphans. These ideas allow you to be an advocate right here, right now, right where you are in practical ways. I hope that 2011 brings radical change in the lives of many children and orphans through these practical ways being implemented. I am going to be part of the change. You may ask, How can I help?

First let me tell you about a little girl I know. For the sake of confidentiality, let’s call her “Bella”. Bella's Dad was incarcerated and Mom was “underemployed”. Mom and Dad have made some bad choices while their children were around. Bella and her siblings had been placed in foster care. One such instance of a bad decision by her parents was related to me by Bella. She told me that Mommy & Daddy “moke weed” around her and Daddy “Shared it wit’ me”. Did you catch that? She said, “MOKE WEED - SHARED IT WIT' ME?”. The translation is smoked weed, as in marijuana.” I explained to dear Bella that her Dad's behavior was not appropriate.

Unfortunately, this example of a child in need is not an isolated case. We live in a broken world. There are children in your hometown who through no fault of their own live in similar conditions. Many do not have the protection, presence, or love of a father or mother, or both. Some live in deplorable conditions that would surprise you. Each one of these dear children deserves the basics of life; adequate food, water, clothing, medical care, education, a safe and loving home, and an opportunity to know God.

Here is one easy way of many ways that you can help children and orphans.
PRAY . It's simple. You can do it at any time. It “costs” no money. It will change you if you allow. Practically, you can tape a picture of a waiting child to your dashboard or the mirror in the bathroom and pray for the child every time you look at the picture. Visit,, or for pictures of waiting children.

How are you going to be an advocate for a child like Bella?

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